Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Loneliness in a fun day

Today is not a good day.... I mean it was a fun day, half day work; afternoon in the beach with my girlfriend had so much fun, laughed so hard and played in the sand like a little girl again!!
Ok, I had fun, I loved every minute, every crazy picture we took, every wave we tried to run away from (unsuccessfully).

So why not a good day you ask? Because as much fun as I was having, there was one constant thought in my mind: I miss my Fiancée!!
J (won’t disclose his name as he is shy...) is so very far away, on another continent, yeah a phone call away, a Skype away but not a touch away... I miss him, his voice, his kisses, and his touch I just miss having him by my side....
I walk out I wish he were here, I go to the beach and I wonder whether he would like it there, I laugh and I wonder whether he would find it funny what the same thing, I sleep, I wake up, I go to work thinking about him, dreaming about him, wishing him next to me.


We are getting married next year and boy you have no idea how I want this year to end already!!!
Baby when u read this, know this too: I miss you every second of every hour of every day!! Corny i know but true too!!!
Anyways, didn’t mean to bum you out but as I sit here on my bed after the funnest day at the beach I’ve had in a while and the only thing I can think about is I wish he were here then I know one thing: I’ve got it bad for him.

And I don’t mind it one bit!!!

Have a nice Wednesday everybody.
Lots of love from me.
The Princess!

Solidão ...

Hoje não é um bom dia .... Quero dizer, foi um dia divertido, meio dia de trabalho; tarde na praia com a minha amiga me diverti muito, ri tanto e jogamos na areia como uma criancas de novo!
Ok, eu me diverti, eu adorei cada minuto, cada foto louca tiramos, cada onda que tentamos fugir (sem sucesso).
Então porque não foi um bom dia você pergunta? Porque tanta diversao que eu estava tendo, havia um pensamento constante em minha mente: Estou com Saudades do meu Noivo!
J (não divulgo seu nome porque ele é tímido ...) esta muito distante,noutro continente, sim um telefonema de distância, uma Skype, mas não uma distância que o posso tocar ... Eu sinto falta dele, da sua voz, dos seus beijos e seu toque Eu sinto falta dele ao meu lado ....
Eu rio e me pergunto se ele iria achar a mesma coisa engracada, eu durmo, eu acordo, vou trabalhar pensando nele, sonhando com ele, desejando-lhe ao meu lado.
Nós vamos nos casar no ano que vem e você não tem idéia como eu quero este ano para acabar já!
Meu amor quando leres este post quero que saibas: eu sinto sua falta a cada segundo de cada hora de cada dia! Corny eu sei, mas é a mais pura verdade!
Pra o leitor,espero que nao o deprimi, mas sentada aqui na minha cama depois do mais divertido dia na praia que eu tive há algum tempo a única coisa que consigo pensar é que eu gostaria que ele estivesse aqui, então eu sei um coisa: Ele e o meu tudo!!.
E eu não me importo nem um pouco!

Teham uma quarta-feira agradável.
Muito amor de mim.
The Princess!


  1. You've got it
    You've got it bad
    When you're on the phone
    Hang up and you call right back
    if you miss a friend without your friend
    And your whole life is upside down...

    Yep. You're living Usher's sing for sure.
    All the best at this phase of your lives and as you get ready for a future together.
    In the meantime, continue to enjoy as many moments with friends and family..

  2. Hi my heart' I loved what you just wrote.... I love you and I cant wait to be your husband, You made my day with your words. Thank you! God is really Good; He granted me the blessing of loving and being loved by the most beautiful woman on the planet... Baby, you are what my words right now fall short to describe... God bless you... Bjo.

  3. hahahaha Lwsinha yeah i defintely agree with u am an usher song right now hahahahaha
    thank you for the wishes hun and i will definitely enjoy!!!

    Meu Baby meu J, meu future, i love you so much more and more each day!!! 197 days until we are one!! cant wait mwah mwa!!

  4. Parabéns pelo seu blog.. Se precisar de qualquer tipo de ajuda, estamos aí!

  5. Distance makes the heart grow founder :-D

  6. it definitely does Kizzy... and i love it!!!


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